Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) form the bedrock of economies worldwide, especially in developing nations like India. Despite their crucial role in fostering economic growth, MSMEs often grapple with various financial challenges that impede their sustainability and growth prospects. Recognizing the significance of addressing these challenges, this research paper conducts an empirical study on the financial problems faced by MSMEs. The study employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative analysis of financial data with qualitative insights from interviews and surveys conducted among MSME owners and stakeholders. The research focuses on identifying the key financial challenges encountered by MSMEs, including access to credit, working capital management, high transaction costs, regulatory compliance burdens, and lack of financial literacy. Through comprehensive data analysis and interpretation, the research aims to shed light on the nuanced nature of financial problems confronting MSMEs. Furthermore, the study explores the implications of these challenges on the overall performance and growth potential of MSMEs, as well as their contributions to employment generation, innovation, and economic development. The findings of this research are expected to provide valuable insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and MSME stakeholders to formulate targeted interventions and policies aimed at alleviating the financial constraints faced by MSMEs. By addressing these challenges, policymakers can create a conducive environment for the sustainable growth and development of MSMEs, thereby unlocking their full potential as engines of economic growth and job creation.