Small investors contribute significantly to national savings, which may be utilized to develop the nation's capital. In recent memory, investor complaints have escalated, and in order to safeguard investors, SEBI has issued recommendations for issuing businesses, brokers, and other intermediaries. SEBI is the regulator for the securities market in India. It was formed officially by the Government of India. It has been found that SEBI played a major role in the development of the Indian capital market. The present study aims to analyse the roles and responsibilities of a capital market regulator and to assess the SEBI’s attitude towards market players. SEBI should develop a specialized investment protection website. This website should receive widespread awareness. Every prospectus for an IPO should include a sentence advising investors to check the Investors Protection website before investing. SEBI automatically receives a copy of any complaints submitted with the stock exchange or investor organization. The issue may be tracked, and if it is not handled within an acceptable time window, an automated notice can appear on SEBI's server. This would indicate to SEBI that it should intervene now to examine further in this specific issue
Article DOI: 10.62823/IJARCMSS/7.4(I).7091