Purpose: SBI Group, the largest bank in India, has its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. When creating goods and services, the expanding expectations of all Indian citizens are taken into account. The bank's implementation of cutting-edge new technology has improved productivity and customer service. With its restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions, the corporate environment has developed into an interesting area of research. Evidence advocates that big organisations and companies have merged with and bought out smaller rivals. The most common corporate tactics businesses use to boost and expand profitability and value are mergers and acquisitions. Before the start of financial reforms, Indian banks worked in a complicated, regulated environment. It should have been acknowledged that profitability was a suitable metric for assessing the success of the banks. The primary goal of the study is to comprehend how mergers and acquisitions affect the efficiency of the Indian banking industry. The study attempts to critically analyse and evaluate the impact of merger of SBI and; State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Travancore and Bhartiya Mahila Bank on their operating performance in terms of different financial parameters.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study examines the pre- and post-period of five years of activities related to mergers and acquisitions within the financial sector in India to assess the effectiveness of M&As. With the aid of financial parameters including earning per share (EPS), return on capital employed (ROCE), return on assets (ROA), return on equity/ net worth (ROE/NW) and retention ratio (RR), the research examined the financial results following the merger of combined banks.
Findings: The study indicated that the sample disparity between the pre-and post-average SBI is not big enough to be statistically significant.
Limitations: The period of the study was eleven years, five years before the merger, five years after that, and one year of the merging process. The study was confined only to one Indian bank. Hence, the results may not be generalised to other public-sector banks, private banks, or foreign banks nationwide.
Implication: The results of the study reveal that the average financial ratios that were taken for the study of SBI in the Indian banking sector showed a remarkable and significant improvement.
Originality/Value: This research was done to determine how much is the result of five Indian banks' pre- and post-merging.
Article DOI: 10.62823/IJARCMSS/7.4(I).7075