Gender equality means that there is no discrimination between men and women, but woman empowerment involves giving women economic, social, and political authority so that they may make their own decisions. Woman empowerment is especially important in India since women are vulnerable to a variety of social evils such as murder, rape, domestic abuse, dowry death, female foeticide, and so on. Everyone in Indian society strives for the ideal mother, sister, and wife. However, they never want that girl to be his blood relative. Sustainable development encompasses gender equality and women's empowerment. The Sustainable Development Goals include eradicating poverty, combating gender inequality, boosting educational quality, and other objectives by 2030. In 2015, our government announced the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme in India, a savings scheme designed to promote gender equality and empower women by providing girls with financial resources and chances for advancement. Nowadays, the main motive for self-dependent is to be highly educated. So, education is a good way for women to gain empowerment, freedom, and self-reliance. The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Scheme encourages parents to save money for their daughter's education and marriage. The primary vision of this initiative is "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao." This paper contains secondary data that is obtained from different resources. The major purpose of this study is to emphasize the need for women's role in sustainable development with gender equality.
Article DOI: 10.62823/IJARCMSS/7.4(I).7049