Farmers around the world often struggle with critical decisions related to crop management, pest control, and selecting the right fertilizers and pesticides. While some existing crop recommendation systems offer support, they tend to be expensive and rely on complex hardware, making them difficult to access for many small and medium-scale farmers. Additionally, the lack of direct access to agricultural experts further complicates the decision-making process, which can lead to lower yields and unsustainable farming practices. Crop Recommendation with Expert Consultation Platform for Farmers introduces a web-based platform designed to provide farmers with easy access to expert advice and practical solutions. Farmers can create accounts and post their concerns—such as pest issues, soil health, or crop diseases—much like posting on social media. A committee of agricultural specialists will review these posts and offer personalized advice on what steps to take, including recommending specific fertilizers, pesticides, or farming techniques. The platform also integrates an e-commerce feature, where recommended products can be purchased directly, ensuring farmers can quickly act on the advice provided. Ease of use is central to the design of the application. It includes a simple login process, a clean and intuitive interface, and is optimized for mobile devices to accommodate farmers with varying levels of digital proficiency. Agricultural experts have their own streamlined interface for reviewing and responding to problems efficiently. Crop Recommendation with Expert Consultation Platform For Farmers seeks to bridge the gap between farmers and agricultural expertise, offering timely, practical solutions that can improve crop yields and promote sustainable farming. By making expert advice and essential farming products readily available, the platform aims to empower farmers, helping them to improve their productivity while ensuring that they have the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the face of agricultural challenges. In this survey paper we reviewed various different available application software in concern of security alerts for women safety.