The study aims to investigate AI awareness and its utilization in classroom teaching among college teachers in North Bengal, focusing on variations by level, gender, age, and type of college. Using the stratified random sampling technique, 333 college teachers were selected for the sample of the study. Data were collected using the AI Awareness and Utilization Scale (AIAUS) developed by Singh (2024) for college teachers. The data were analysed with the help of z-score range, t-test, and 2x2x2 Factorial Design ANOVA. Results revealed that only 10% of teachers exhibited high levels of AI awareness and its utilization, while 50 % had average levels and 40% had low levels. Further, male teachers demonstrated higher AI awareness and utilisation than female teachers. Additionally, teachers from private colleges showed better AI awareness and utilization than teachers from government colleges. The study further found that gender, age and types of colleges significantly influence AIawareness and its utilization. However, there was no significant interaction effect between these variables on AI awareness and utilization among college teachers in North Bengal.
Article DOI: 10.62823/IJEMMASSS/6.4(II).7001