Women’s Empowerment is an agenda has been on top of the lists of most government plans & programs still. Efforts are made on everyday basis across nations to deal with this issue and enhance the socio-economic status of women. However, it's been observed that almost all of the policies and programs view empowerment within the economic sense only working within the belief that economic self-reliance empowers women ignoring other variables like health, education, literacy etc. Introduction within the history of human development, woman has been as important as man. In fact, the status, employment and work performed by women in society is that the indicator of a nation’s overall progress. Without the participation of women in national activities, the social, economic or political progress of a rustic are going to be stagnated. Women constitute half the humanity, even contributing two-thirds of world’s work hours. She earns only one-third of the entire income and owns but one-tenth of the world’s resources. Earlier to the present women were facing plenty of problems due to male dominated, patriarchal society system, practice of old traditional believes, etc. Women were only responsible to the standard roles like child bearing and child rearing. Within the present time, where women status has been improved a touch while, still they're facing problems. They need to perform both family and professional responsibilities together without the assistance of their husbands. In some cases, the condition of women becomes more embarrassed after they get tortured by their members of the family rather than getting help. Harassment is more common at homes moreover as within the offices by the members of the family, relatives, neighbors, friends, boss, etc. they need to suffer plenty in their way of life to nourish their career in addition as saving their family relationships.
Keywords: Responsibilities, Politics, Education, Self Help Group, Entrepreneurship, Improvement.