ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Kuchata Ram

This project speaks about the judicial accountability in the present scenario and methods which make judiciary more accountable and reliable. All the three vital part of our country the executive, the legislative and the judiciary works for the enforcement of law, bring the law into existence and examine the law respectively whether it is in accordance to the basic structure of the constitution. All of these three organs if work simultaneously than it bring the law more accountable which in furtherance work for the betterment and safeguard of the people. These three organs comprise with different sort of power and as we know through human experience all those powers should be balanced by confronting them with some limits. The constitution imposes limits over all the organs separately but in judiciary it emerges out with more stronger and more independent judiciary. Article 235 of the constitution gives control of high courts on subordinate courts which make judiciary more accountable. The power to impeach contains the same purpose of accountability but the problem in that is judiciary is neither accountable to the people nor to the other two (executive and legislative) as one dishonest judge not only dishonor himself but also jeopardize the entire legal system.[1].


[1]   Anil diwan, Judicial Integrity also available in Administrative law module page 347(compiled by Ms. Mercy K. Khaute)


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