The epidemic highlighted and exacerbated China-US tensions. As governments competed for international organizations, vaccine distribution, and pandemic response strategies, activity increased. Geopolitical movements accelerated as governments rushed to control medicinal supply, limit the economic damage, and gain global health governance power. Multilateralism was under pressure as world organizations failed to unite. The epidemic sparked debate about the World Health Organization (WHO) and its member states due to criticism. National interests and international solidarity interacted complicatedly during this time, as demonstrated in nations' collaboration and conflict. Domestic pressure on governments to balance public health measures and economic stability led to different crisis management tactics and efficacy. Crisis management raised civil rights and democratic concerns as authoritarian tendencies increased in some states. Virtual conferences and conversations boosted technology and digital diplomacy. Information warfare and deception tactics enflamed public opinion and societal tensions. After the outbreak exposed global supply system flaws, healthcare and technology needed more resilience and self-sufficiency. As economic inequality expanded, developing nations, who already had poor healthcare and financial resources, felt the repercussions more. Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic showed the strengths and weaknesses of international cooperation and the vulnerability of global systems to new threats, changing international politics


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