Adverse effect of climate change on atmosphere becomes a global issue and it becomes necessary to think about protecting environment from all types of pollution. Manufacturing sector is directly responsible for emitting harmful gases in the environment. So, to put a control and to set limits on carbon emission by entities, implementation of Kyoto Protocol in 1997 became a big step towards saving our planet. Concerned developed and developing countries became signatories to the protocol and set their targets to reduce emission levels. Protocol was started with first commitment period from 2005-2012 and set targets for the participating countries. Objective of the study is to review the position and role of India in both commitment periods. Developing economy India becomes a signatory country under Kyoto Protocol and now recognized as world’s second largest country after China to hold CDM projects. Transactions of CERs are registered under CDM registry. In year 2006, India holds 30% share of total registered CDM projects. India had its own National Clean Development Authority (NCDA) as its national registry system. Registered projects of India are from 31 states and Union Territories from 14 different sectors. Here, Energy industry leads by registering highest 2344 projects in first commitment period. It has been observed that second commitment period records less projects as compared to first commitment period. Many signatory countries back out from the protocol after the end of first commitment period. Lack of detailed information about second commitment period becomes the limitation of the study. But still India’s performance is significant at international platform. India’s efforts and contribution in reducing carbon footprints are appreciable regarding CDM projects.


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