Women play a significant role in the Indian economy across various sectors, contributing to its growth and development in multifaceted ways. The multifaceted role of women entrepreneurs in the Indian economy has long been ignored. Even today, there is are certain generalised notions about women that undermine their entrepreneurial skills and their achievements. Women, it is believed are better, are better suited for domestic chores, bearing, rearing and caring. Although the picture, as it exists, is quite the opposite. Of course, women are good at all that, but there is much more that they are capable of. This paper seeks to bring to the mainstream discourse the important issue of women entrepreneurs—their achievements, concerns and future prospects. And through this discussion, the paper intends to give an overarching and honest account of the role of women entrepreneurs in Indian economy. However, it may be stated at the outset that although the researcher does not involve much data that is quantifiable, the qualitative aspect of the data, and its interpretation, is expected meet the desired outcome—of highlighting women entrepreneurs’ contributions, challenges, and their prospects for the future.