Retailing is the business activity which contributes to the economic growth of a nation. Strategies are developed to attain a specific objective. Developing a new strategy is hard enough and if developed it will surely benefit the retail business. A significant relation between tourism and shopping can always be found out. To attract tourists towards the store and induce them to make impulse purchase, retailers are introducing various strategies. This study was conducted to analyze the various retailing strategies (factors) that influence the tourists for impulse buying. The objective was fulfilled by the use of factor analysis. This analysis was used to condense the twelve variables of factor influencing for impulse buying in to a smaller number of basic components, which include some connected variables. Here factor analysis reduced the twelve variables in to three factors corresponding to influence of credit card, influence of window displays and influence of promotional approaches. The study was conducted by collecting data from 400 samples(tourists) whom were selected through convenience sampling by using a structured and pre-tested questionnaire. The result reveals that all the retailing strategies such as credit card, window display and promotional approaches positively influence the tourists for impulse buying and tourists were highly influenced by window display for impulse buying.