The glory and quality of trees mentioned in Indian culture is presumably not seen in the culture of any other country. For centuries, pundits and pundits realized the divinity and divinity in trees. There's a soft feeling of the hugeness of the vast world and nature in the trees. A unique power and riddle of nature is hidden in every tree, shops and trees, whose narrative is visible in numerous forms in Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Shastras, folk beliefs and traditions. Numerous studies have also been done regarding the auspicious and portentous results of these trees, which trees are salutary for our health. Useful than which trees are important only from the point of view of beauty? Which trees are sacred from the point of view of Havan? The information of all these trueness and data is easily seen in our Vedic textbooks. Man was born in the cradle of nature. Ever since his actuality on the earth, man has lived in close association with nature. Modern physics has reached the same conclusions, which Indian Vedanta has reached ages ago.


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