This paper introduces a range of micro and macroeconomic variables, which are used to measure impact on business and economy. It starts with a brief introduction of micro and macro. Where individual indicators as in labor markets, supply and demand of goods and services, and cardinal and ordinal approach have been studied. On the other hand macro factors have been taken into consideration such as GDP, unemployment, and inflation. All over impact of these variables is subject matter of the paper. Economic shrinkage, economic augmentation and economic groove are situations caused by macro variables. Where as consumers, suppliers and labors have a very significant role as microeconomic indicators. Consumer’s earnings, spending, availability of labor cause a huge impact over business and economy. Demand and supply of goods and services are the indicators of transformation in business economy. As the closure the paper will come across a significant role of micro and macroeconomic indicators. Which would better assist the readers about the changes taking place in the economy. The dependence over variables for recasting of the business and economy.