Businesses operating in the 21st century are obligated to implement sustainable marketing methods. As a result, businesses have begun investing enormous sums of money in these activities. Consumers do expect that businesses will implement sustainable methods; nonetheless, the only thing that drives any consumer is the desire to fulfill their own needs. At the same time, there is an increasing expectation that businesses will create innovations that are suitable for accomplishing economic, environmental, and social objectives (also called sustainable innovations) as a way to show their commitment to sustainable development. However, achieving this goal is not a picnic, and while many studies have tried to fill gaps in our understanding of sustainable marketing strategies, the collected data is still not particularly well-organized. There has been an increase in the amount of pressure that is placed on businesses to implement sustainable initiatives and to measure, monitor, and report on their sustainability performances. This has been reinforced by developments in customer demands and the requirements of a firm's stakeholders, which have brought about an increase in the amount of pressure that is placed on businesses. The present study is an attempt to understand the sustainable marketing practices.


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