ISO 9001:2015


Alpeshbhai N. Kalsariya

Fisheries occupy a very important place in the Indian economy. Fisheries are included in the primary sector. India has a large amount of resources for fisheries. Crores of people in India are directly and indirectly connected with fisheries. Based on the statistical data of the last ten year, it can be said that marine and inland fish production has increased in India. Inland fish production increased more than three times compared to marine fish production during this period. The Gross Value Added (GVA) contribution of fisheries to the Indian economy is steadily increasing. There has been a more than two-fold increase in the GVA of fisheries during the 10-year period from 2009-10 to 2018-19. The annual growth rate of GVA of the fisheries sector has increased by almost three and a half times during this period. And the share of fisheries in total national GVA has increased by 0.14 percent. Apart from this, from the trends of marine fish exports, it can be said that the contribution of fisheries sector in exports is continuously increasing. during this last 10-year period, the export volume of marine fishery products has increased by almost two and a half times, the export value of marine products has increased by almost five and a half times. During this period, the export volume of marine fishery products increased by an average of 10.15 percent per annum, and the export value of marine products increased by an average of 20.58 percent per annum. Thus, the export value of marine products has increased more than twice as compared to the export volume of marine fishery products during this 10-year period. Besides, fisheries provide food, employment, income and livelihood.


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