In the context of India, this research paper explores the complex interactions between peace, democracy, and the liberal international order. India, the largest democracy in the world, holds a special place in the international scene and has a big impact on regional and global dynamics. The paper examines the interactions between India's dedication to democratic governance and its membership in the liberal international order, examining both the benefits and challenges this relationship brings. This study examines the intricate relationships between peace, democracy, and the liberal international order in relation to India. The largest democracy in the world, India, occupies a unique position on the international stage and significantly affects regional and global dynamics. The study looks at the interplay between India's commitment to democratic government and its participation in the liberal international order, looking at both the advantages and disadvantages that come with it. The study also evaluates the domestic ramifications of India's participation in the liberal international order by looking at how its democratic institutions and civil society interact with international governance frameworks. It also assesses the contribution made by India's thriving diaspora to the promotion of democratic values and international cooperation. This research study tries to provide light on the complicated relationship between peace, democracy, and the liberal international order in the Indian context by a thorough analysis of India's foreign policy, diplomatic contacts, and domestic dynamics. It advances knowledge of India's changing place in world affairs and its capacity to influence future global governance while retaining its dedication to democratic ideals.


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