India is basically an agrarian country and India’s economy is mostly agrarian. Agriculture continues to be the main employer in India. About two thirds of India’s 1.25 billion people still depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Agriculture occupies also an important place in the economy of Rajasthan. About 70% of its population still depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The share of agriculture fluctuates widely from year to year due to vagaries of monsoon. Agriculture economy of Rajasthan is highly unstable and uncertain, and it is frequently faced by famines and scarcity conditions. In this condition, several crops are grown in Rajasthan. About 53% of the gross cropped area is under food grain crops, while about 47% under non-food grain crops. The production of foodgrains shows drastic fluctuations from year to year, that cause a lot of hardship to the people. There are lots of changes from first five year plan to current five year plan in the cropping pattern in Rajasthan. So this study covers the analysis of cropping pattern in Rajasthan and major crops grown in Rajasthan.