The process of urbanization is one of the main factors of social change and economic development in modern times. The process of urbanization in India dates back to ancient times. History of Urbanization in India Many reasons have been responsible for the causes of urbanization. Since the beginning of the 19th century, cities and towns around the world have started to develop at a rapid pace. Due to the extensive impact of urban life on the activities of human life, many changes have been observed. Hence many of the learned thinkers of the 19th century social thinkers gave a special place to the study of cities in the history of human society and civilization. India's cities have seen a steady growth since independence, with rural employment shortages seen as an important reason. Similarly, there is a tendency of people to live and settle in cities due to the abundance of education, employment, modern lifestyle and entertainment facilities in cities. People have been seen settling in cities for a modern lifestyle. In cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat in India, the population is increasing day by day. Urbanization has grown very rapidly in such cities. With increasing urbanization many problems have arisen in the city. In which many problems like poverty, unemployment, dirty habitations, crime, addiction, drugs, gambling, fights urban housing problem, clean water problem, proper waste disposal have surrounded the city. Urbanization has developed very rapidly after independence, so before we take note of the observed problem of urbanization let us look at the meaning of urbanization.


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