India's foreign policy (IFP) has a nuanced blend of ideals and pragmatism, influenced by the nation's intricate geopolitical terrain, historical background, and current issues. India's foreign policy is primarily influenced by major values such as non-alignment, respect for sovereignty, and promotion of world peace and stability. IFP is characterised by its dedication to non-alignment, which is a legacy from the period after its independence. India is committed to maintaining strategic autonomy and avoiding alignment with any major power bloc. India aims to interact with a variety of nations based on mutual respect and common interests to maintain its flexibility and independence in global matters. IFP is based on the principles of dharma, ahimsa, and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. India, as the biggest democracy in the world, resolutely advocates for these ideals internationally. Upholding our traditional values not only boosts India's influence but also strengthens its reputation as a reliable participant in global affairs. IFP is pragmatic, guided by national security, economic growth, and regional stability, in addition to its commitment to principles. India seeks strategic partnerships and alliances with like nations. India employs a nuanced approach in handling the difficulties of foreign affairs by balancing its beliefs with the reality of power politics and strategic imperatives. India maintains a difficult balance that enables it to advance its national interests while remaining dedicated to principles like democracy, pluralism, and peace. India's foreign policy combines idealism with pragmatism to effectively traverse the difficulties of the modern world.



Keywords: India's Foreign Policy, Pragmatism, Non-alignment.


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