Intellectual property rights refer to the property rights which are granted to an author or creator of a new invention or intangible asset. The concept of intellectual property was developed in the 18th century, with the first federal statute on patents being passed in 1790. These are the legal protection granted to individuals who have invented something new or created something original that is capable of being physically reproduced or transmitted. The scope of these rights varies from country to country, but generally any form of expression that falls within the jurisdiction of copyright-law and also patent-law is protected as intellectual property.[1] More than other business models, e-commerce frequently involves the sale of goods and services that are dependent on IP and its licensing. Through e-commerce, you may exchange things like software, designs, training materials, systems, and more, with the IP serving as the major source of value. The protection for any creative work such as music, text, software code, graphic design etc. cannot be revoked by anyone at all as it is not owned by anyone in particular. IP rights protect intellectual property in a wide variety of ways, covering protection of inventions and designs, protection for data and software, as well as protection for literary material like books and films. IP plays a role in facilitating smoother E-Commerce transactions.



Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, E- Commerce, Legal Protection.


[1]   See section 20(1)(b) of the Copyright Act 1957


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