The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to totally revolutionise the legal industry as well as the manner in which legal services are delivered. As a result of the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into the legal system, a number of technologically-driven solutions have evolved, including electronic courts, robot solicitors, and other alternatives. For the purpose of representing clients in legal situations, robot advocates are artificial intelligence systems that are able to do so. With the use of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), these systems may be able to examine legislation, case laws, and other legal materials in order to give customers with individualised legal advice. It is possible that robot advocates might be beneficial in a variety of legal-related duties, such as the preparation of legal papers, the doing of legal research, and the prediction of the results of cases. The employment of artificial intelligence in the legal system also includes the establishment of online courts. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, online courts are able to automate a variety of administrative operations, such as the filing of cases, docketing, scheduling, and the handling of evidence. E-courts may utilise machine learning to forecast the results of judicial proceedings, in addition to evaluating previous cases and any other data that may be pertinent to the situation. Another possible use of artificial intelligence is the automation of the analysis of legal contracts. This may potentially minimise the time and money that is necessary for due diligence while also identifying any potential legal concerns that may be associated with commercial transactions. To put it another way, this may assist company owners and attorneys in making choices that are better informed, which in turn lessens the likelihood that they will get involved in a legal conflict. However, the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial system is not without its drawbacks. A number of people are concerned that artificial intelligence systems can have biases that influence the results of court proceedings, or that they might not fully comprehend the complexities of legal vocabulary and precedent. Some people are concerned that the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial system might result in the loss of jobs for legal professionals such as solicitors and other professionals in the legal field. In light of the enormous potential that artificial intelligence has to revolutionise the legal industry and improve legal services, it is of the utmost importance to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the ethical and practical consequences of developing technology.



Keywords: Ethical, AI, Legal, Education.


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