Attempting to normalise gender standards that are comparable to those of males is the goal of feminism, which is also known as the battle for women's equality. This research throws light on the condition of women in India both before and after the country gained its independence. The purpose of this study is to explain where we are today with regard to this topic. In order to provide support for the notion that feminism is essential for India to transition into a developed nation, the viewpoints of a number of authors have been used. The elimination of all forms of discrimination based on gender is essential if our country is to continue its progress towards development, and the basic rights of women must be on par with those of men. Traditional Indian society portrays the perfect woman as someone who is submissive, warm, dependent, and caring. This is the stereotype of the ideal lady. Due to the fact that the role of women has been quickly shifting in recent times around the world, it is necessary that women be accurately represented in all aspects of society. The lack of education and scientific temperament among the mass of the people in pre-independence India, as well as their slavish devotion to mediaeval traditions and orthodox religious ceremonies, were the primary factors that contributed to the suffering of women in that country. Despite the efforts of a number of organisations to close the gender gap, women continued to encounter prejudice in a variety of forms even after they had achieved their freedom. There is no reasonable expectation that contemporary women would adhere to archaic ideas about what it means to be a woman. Things are undergoing change, and there is a need for more modifications. It is imperative that each and every one of us recognises the inherent prejudices that are present in our collective consciousness and works to alter things from the floor up. The only way to make the transition from a state-organized nation to a global society that is varied and interconnected is to shift in this manner.The word Empowerment means the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's right.When someone is empowered they have the ability to accomplish something and they know it, giving them confidence needed to succeed.This paper deals with "women empowerment" a burning issue all over the World.In this paper i want to analyze the status of women in India after empowering especially in my village mendhar Chajjla a small village of district Poonch.The study reveals inspite of government efforts in rural areas women are still lacking this opportunity.This paper analyse various indicators like women's household, decision making power, freedom of movement, exposure to media , education etc.Gender gap still exists in rural areas.It is well said if a man educate only he will but if a woman educates whole family will.It is found that inequality is still prevailing in the society.More than half of the women believe wife beating to be justified for one or the other reason.I myself have seen such coincidence with my eyes men are still beating women.Women have to take permission for spending money and for going out from the home.This so called male dominated society is still an obstacles in the oath of women empowerment.Even i myself found in my area where women are only doing household activities.They are not living their life they are only spending life.Inspite of many efforts by government women empowerment is still pending .The empowerment of women in the most powerful sense will be achieved only if women have genetic changes in relation to women, they should be treated with proper respect, dignity, fairness, and equality. The rural areas of the country are largely sunk in the feudal and medieval perspective, so women have equal status in their education, marriage, dress code, profession, and social.


Keywords: Feminism, Status, Women, Impact.


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