During pregnancy absorption of dietary calcium increases, so no extra intake is necessary if a woman eats a balanced diet. Rudnieki et al (1991) suggested that if the dietary consumption is adequate to cover the calcium requirements, extra calcium should only be recommended for pregnant women with limited consumption of milk and milk products. However pregnant women should avoid excessive intake of tea, coffee, salt. which either inhibit calcium absorption or promote its excretion. Oxalic acid containing foods such as spinach can also prevent the absorption of calcium. The joint F.A.O./W.H.O. expert group on 'Calcium requirement (1962) excepted evidence that about 30 gm of calcium is deposited in foetus during pregnancy. I.C.M.R. nutrition expert group recommended an extra allowance of 500-600 mg of calcium to meet the needs of the third trimester of pregnancy. Since a developing baby depends on his mother’s diet for all of his nutritional needs, the expectant mother must eat a nourishing diet to support healthy growth and development of her baby. Calcium is one of several essential nutritional requirements during pregnancy for the adequate bone and teeth development.   Habitat (Rural or Urban) also influences the diet of pregnant women. Therefore the present study discusses the intake of calcium by pregnant women and consequences of calcium deficiency on mother and neonate. The sample comprised of 100 pregnant women each from all five zones (Arawalli, Mewar, Dry-Land, Desert and Eastern-Hills) of Rajasthan. The data was collected through questionnaire and interviews were also conducted regarding the daily diet taken by pregnant women. Results indicated that the Calcium intake was directly related to habitat of pregnant women. Women who consumed the recommended amount of calcium during pregnancy had healthier babies than those whom did not consume and also they suffered from various health issues during pregnancy such as oesteomalacia, weakness etc. Further recommendations were given to increase calcium intake through locally available food and diet plan was suggested to pregnant women.



Keywords: Pregnancy, Calcium, Neonate, Dry-Land, Desert, Eastern-Hills.


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