ISO 9001:2015


Narendra Kumar Agarwal

Every study somewhere comprises a problem or a statement on the basis of which the studies conducted. Our study is relevant towards the behaviour of the consumer of middle class community in shopping in online as we have seen that increasing utilisation of Internet and increase in the quantity of utilisationer of the Internet on frequent basis. On the basis of these available studies it is not possible for us to make a prediction of the behaviour of the consumer especially the middle class consumer for the entire country and a generalised opinion cannot be framed up. We have also seen that varied nature foreign researchers have been conducted on the larger topic but there are three problems with those researches. The first one is they are not in Indian context. The second one is that they are covering only the consumer’s behaviour but not middle class consumer behaviour and hence again not relevant for India because in India the highly of the population is of middle class and third they are very old and hence do not represent the current scenario. Some of the studies have been found which are conducted considering the psychological aspect of the consumer’s like behaviour in shopping in online. We found some studies where they have indicated that the pattern or the manner of online sales in no case can be uniform throughout the entire world and that definitely differs from country to country as per to the variable of different demographic nature of the country and undoubtedly in our opinion it is true and that is why no research have been observed conducted on the behaviours of the buyers the middle class community in India and therefore the present study named The Online Market Change In Buying Behaviour – The Market Phenomena have been undertaken.



Keywords: Market, Research, Consumer, Attitude, Shopping, Measures, Demographic, Population, Country.


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