Undoubtedly the consumer is the king of the market which is a well known fact to everyone and all marketers or the marketing people except this fact. The behaviour of the buyer or consumer especially of middle class consumer leaves an impact on the final determination for buying, to the very last extent. Hence it is quite significant to understand the different aspects of behaviours of the buyers any consumer such as the reasons for which a consumer purchases the goods or the factors which could have an influence on the buying pattern of consumer this will also be interesting to know that how these factor changes in the different reasons. Today’s consumer is highly of the young and energetic degree holders comprising a very good earning an undoubtedly a good education. They easily understand the time measures and for them the time is larger significant than the cost of the commodity. This young population comprising the time limitation and a larger earning is undoubtedly the largest target for those who are selling their commodity in the online market or E Commerce companies, hence their earning in the purchasing power is making the larger impact on the preferences of consumers and that is why they are moving towards the shopping in online. A consumer which have access to the Internet to highly of his time has larger potential to make shopping in online as against to the seller buyer who do not spend much of his time on the Internet such as the old age people who spend very less time on Internet. The reason behind this is that any consumer who have tendency of grabbing Internet for the larger time of his life can understand the online market better and can evaluate the pros and cons involve into it and in this manner he will be able to utilisation Internet in a better way as compared to offline shopping. Those consumers who prefer the privacy and they do not want to share any of their details with anyone, they prefer offline shopping and do not have any preference for shopping in online.


KEYWORDS: Buying, Consumer, Behaviour, Shopping, Internet, Banking, Comfortability, Traditional, Online.


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