Interpersonal Relationship At Workplace And Job Stress : An Empirical Study

An employee is not working alone in the organization but with many other employees also with whom he has to get along well. An interpersonal relationship is an association of persons working together at workplace that builds an organization culture of an organization. If these relationships are good resulting into motivation, appraisal and care, then, things move on smoothly. But if same relationships are not healthy, misunderstandings are there; then it may be a major cause of stress for the employees in the organization. In today’s modern life which is changing very fast and since everyone wants to keep pace with this changing pattern, the life is becoming more and more stressful. It is not only at individual level but also at organizational level, life is becoming more stressful. The research paper examines the different factors related to interpersonal relationship at workplace as stressors encountered by public sector bank employees. An instrument questionnaire comprising of various parameters was used for identifying interpersonal relationship at workplace conditions that leads to increase stress level among employees. A Stratified sampling method was used for the selection of banks for the study. The sample included 130 employees at middle level and top level from the public sector banks in Delhi. The survey instrument was shown to be both reliable and valid. Statistical analytical tool t-test and other Descriptive statistics scores have been used. The highest mean score (1.15) for feel misunderstood and unappreciated indicates that the stress is highest in this case followed by feeling of politics and bureaucracy that prevails and frustrates the ability of the employees to do a job which is found to be high in case of PNB (1.12) as compared to SBI (1.11).


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