ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Prabhu Dayal Saini

A lot of news comes in the newspaper as headlines regarding the mergers and acquisitions, takeovers and restructuring of the companies. The merger and acquisition is the fascinating word in today’s corporate world. There found various studies which has been conducted in manufacturing and banking sector for the mergers and acquisition but only very few studies have been undertaken for mergers and acquisitions as a general aspect in the business world. The majority of the studies have been conducted with a specialisation on effect of mergers and acquisition on the financial performance of corporates for the future aspect and a very least attention have been given on impact of mergers and acquisition as far as the share prices of corporates and their market valuation is considered. The most of the mergers and acquisitions came into existence in India after 1991, when the liberalisation has started taking place with the increased liberalisation and modernization. The corporates started realising the importance of merger and acquisition in the initial years when studies on merger and acquisition started. The primary focus was on evaluating the pace of merger and acquisition and the effect in the long run performance but the focus was mainly in manufacturing and banking sector and that too with a very small sample and less case studies. This research paper has been undertaken with the object of making analysis of impact of mergers and acquisitions for long run as well as short run effect of selected sample firms and hence this study could help in evaluating the effect of a merger and acquisition for the past as well as future time frame. We have taken a sample from the last 10 year time span, with consideration to almost all kinds of industries where mergers and acquisition has taken place. The researcher expects that the study will definitely make a contribution to size of data in further acquisitions and mergers to be taking place in future, from the acquirer company’s point of view. This will also assist corporate houses in developing their strategic cognitive process while they are making acquisition in other companies and it will also help them to evaluate how the value can be enhanced in the short run as well as in long run by a proper merger and acquisition methodology.


KEYWORDS: Mergers, Collaborations, Takeover, Joint Venture, Industries, Liberalisation, Modernisation.


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