A Review Of Economic Progress Under Planning Period In Rajasthan (1951-2016)

Planning involves selecting objectives and actions to achieve them. Planning is the process or activity of determining in advance specifically, what should be done to achieve the objectives. Rajasthan is an under developing state. Development is a part of planning process. At the time of the initiation of planning in 1951, the state was involved in problems of integration and there was a lack of basic statistics for planning in the state. The average annual rainfall is very low in north-western parts due to the prevalence of the Thar Desert. Even now the state is belongs with the group of ‘BIMARU’ states, which are Bihar, MP, Rajasthan and UP on the basis of their demographic indicators and socio-economic backwardness. There are several difficulties in the economic development of Rajasthan. In the beginning of the First Five Year Plan, the economic condition of the state was very backward. Power, Employment, Education, health, Industries, Roads, Railway, Drinking water, States income, Poverty etc. was main issues at the time of beginning first five year plan. In this context, this paper reviews the economic progress under planning period in Rajasthan.


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