Price Behavior And Arrivals Of Maize In Selected Markets Of Telangana

Agricultural progress has been considered to be an indicator of the great of life at the grassroots level making it what may be called peoples sector. In regard to the importance of agriculture in a broader socio-financial sense, all of the three normal goals of economic development of the country, namely, output development, price consistency and poverty alleviation are excellent served by way of growth of agriculture sector. In India, maize is the 0.33 predominant food crops after rice and wheat. According to advance estimate it's cultivated in 8.7 m ha (2010-11) most of the time during Kharif season which covers 80% field. This paper has examined the price behavior and arrivals of Maize in Telangana. Both market arrivals and price of maize have depicted growing tendencies in close to the entire selected markets of Telangana. The seasonality in arrivals of maize has been found greater than the seasonality in market prices, indicating an upward thrust in market instability. The time series data on monthly arrivals and prices of maize have been accrued from the purposively selected APMC Nizamabad, Badepalli, Jagityal and Karimnagar for the years from 2006-07 to 2015-16 with a purpose to compute the traits, progress charges and relationship between arrivals and prices.


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