During the Covid 19 disaster, in the whole world everybody was feeling like the world could end soon. Every kind of the market was getting down such as securities market and the companies were firing the people. People were working from home and all grocery shelves were found empty. Almost every part of the world was infected with the infection and the death was appearing and continuing without stopping. The marketing has also seen cuts in their budget at the upset level. The whole world of the marketing has observed to be changed with Internet Revolution and increased number of Internet users throughout the world including India has also supported for change in the whole marketing structure. This all has pushed up every kind of the product and their manufacturer’s sellers and retailers to come into the platform of digital media to be the survivor of the market. It was fulfilling the whole marketing process in an online mode. Digital marketing has various segments such as search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Display Marketing and other similar terms. Still it is very important for sellers to use most of the newly introduced digital marketing methods as per the preferences of consumer. With the introduction of new digital channels and data presentations and digital marketing strategies, the digital marketing has come forward with modern marketing practises throughout the world and has given a very new path for growing of the business. The creation of product or service as a brand through the modes of marketing, social media, Internet and digital channels including mobile phones play a very vital role. This all has suggested a requirement of conducting research on study of digital marketing and its impact on consumer. The whole study is surrounding to the digital marketing and its concerned phenomena. In the detailed analysis which has been conducted in this study helps in going through the global competition scenario in digital marketing and its effect on traditional marketing practises. The study has also supported different marketing digital modes and tools which has been developed to streamline by the various global players of social media and digital media like Google facebook Instagram etc.
KEYWORDS: Digital, Marketing, Response, Covid, Development, Commercial.