ISO 9001:2015


Neelam Kumari Singh & Dr. Jayant Bhagat

Our environment is in danger. If the current state of the environment remains, life on this planet cannot remain unaffected and immune. Degradation of the environment is a matter of global concern and is in dire need of a global remedy. Amidst all this, a relatively new concept has gained momentum known as Green HRM. Green HRM has gained importance in the business organizations these days because of the increasing concern towards Environmental Social Governance. Green HRM is the use of HR policies in such a way that it results in the more sustainable use of the resources in the business organizations thereby promoting environment sustainability. The establishment of HR policies and practices that lead to the protection and preservation of environment is termed as Green HRM. The organisations have adopted Green HRM practices along with the HRM function in order to look forward towards environmentally sustainable business. These new practices is seeking the attention of the business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. Among the stakeholders challenges and opportunities from environmental concerns, Green HRM practices joins the ongoing discussions and debates by helping in paving a way towards achieving this goal of environmental sustainability. Under this environmentally friendly initiative are taken by the human resource department in order to reduce cost and indeed to increase the efficiency of the employees. The main goal of green HRM is to use the available resources and enhance the efficiency of the employees to reduce the carbon footprints for making the environment clean. This goal can be achieved  by increasing the awareness and involvement of the employees towards the ongoing process. This paper discusses the current trends of green HRM practices in companies based on findings from a few studies, survey reports and secondary data from companies, web resources, journals and articles published. It also brings out the functioning of HRM towards developing a sense of greening the organisation by putting little steps towards this rising cocern. In addition to this the organization should encourage their employees to assist organization to reduce the causes of environmental degradation through following green policies and procedures. This will help in saving resources for the future generation.


KEYWORDS: Green HRM, Environment Sustainability, Global Issue, Degradation, Natural Resources.



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