ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Anjana Vashishtha Rawat

Elementary education is the introductory foundation of all levels of education. It faces both inter-sector and intra-sector competition in budget allocation for finances. Backups in the public provisioning of education, inadequacy in spending, malfunctioning of seminaries, and huge deficiency in the education sector are linked as main factors responsible for the detention in India’s progress towards UEE. After the preface of SSA, the finances inflow is increased vastly. But the application of these finances is a question to be addressed in order to understand the effectiveness of the system. Given the failure of resources it's obligatory on the part of the government to ameliorate the effectiveness of resources. The debate on the government part in backing of Elementary education dates back to Indian independence. Several educational panels have been formed to address various issues relating to backing of Elementary education. Review of literature on backing of Elementary education revealed that while some studies have justified traditional argument of adding popular allocation, others have concentrated on rallying of finances of backing of Elementary education. Regarding the rallying of finances for Elementary education assessing education cess, cut down the unproductive expenditure on defence and internal security and reducing the subvention to advanced education, preface of Public Private Partnership (PPP) are suggested as some of the measures. All these studies have concentrated on the issue of backing of Elementary education at the macro position. But no attempt was made to dissect the effectiveness of the public spending on Elementary education relating the spending and issues. The present study made an attempt to fill this research gap. Thus, the study focuses on assaying the specialized effectiveness of education backing at Elementary position across countries in India and translucency and responsibility issues.



Keywords: Resources, Education, Elementary, Expenditure, Finance, Mobilization, Efficiency.



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