ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Prahlad Sharma

In the title “Bhagwat Gita – Unwrapping The Leadership Skills”, it consists two major issues that is ‘Bhagwat Gita’ & ‘Unwrapping Leadership Skills’. The reason behind choosing this topic in my opinion, that Bhagwat Gita is the first ever book on leadership or motivation. All the modern theories on leadership or leadership styles, they have not been invented rather than they have been discovered by someone from Bhagwat Gita. The aim is to combine the western scientific attitude with the eastern wisdom and not to reject any eastern philosophy and literature as primitive. The point that is tried to understand that, in the modern world we do have leadership skill books and management gurus in reality those theories, those books, those ideas, they have not been invented but they have been discovered from somewhere and sources have not been given due credit for what they owe. In Bhagwat Gita lord ‘Krishna’ has used different leadership styles different management ideas to motivate ‘Arjuna’ for ‘Karma’ (to perform/ act). ‘Unwrapping Leadership skills’ the meaning is that leadership skills cannot be taught, leadership skills cannot be learn. These are qualities that are present in everyone. It is only that we need to realize that we possess those and we need to unwrap them. We need to conscious those qualities which are residing within us. In the paper “Bhagwat Gita – Unwrapping The Leadership Skills” it is discussed that modern leadership skills, leadership principles and theories are derived from Bhagwat Gita with also discussed that, What is Leadership? What skills are needed to be a great leader? and What is the connection between Bhagwat Gita and leadership that other wants to follow?.


KEYWORDS: Bhagwat Gita, Lord ‘Krishna’, Motivation, Management, Unwrapping Leadership Skills.


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