Communication is the basis of all social intercourse. Advertising is as old as civilization and has long been used as the means of communicating the need to buy or sell goods, even for the sale of slaves in ancient times. In its style, it represents the society of the time. Consequently, it is an ever-changing process representing new products, services, supplies and demands, coupled with the new media and techniques for communicating the exchange situation. Advertising tends to represent the economic progress of societies, and in this respect it ranges from the, sophistication of the industrialized world to the new life-styles of developing nations. A nation's prosperity is reflected in the extent to which advertising is used. Communication technology has enabled consumers to become more aware of things and hence more choosy while purchasing goods and services. This has made marketers to get up and take a broader view on individual consumption behaviour. Marketers are trying to woo customers by emphasizing on terms such as consumer convenience customer satisfaction, customisation and so on. To do this, they have to go to the basics of understanding the diversity in consumer behaviour and then develop marketing programmes so as to build up customer brand loyalty. Due to the existence of diversity among individuals be it-consumers, marketers, culture and social environment, across borders (Globally) and even consumer behaviour theorists, there is no doubt the study of consumer behaviour is very vital for marketers. This is because such a study will enable the marketers to have a better understanding of the buying as well as consumption behaviour of their customers as well as consumers. Since consumer behaviour has become an integral part of strategic market planning, it is all the more necessary that marketers give a lot of weightage or importance to consumer research studies. Such an approach will help them to understand and in the prediction of making strategic marketing decisions.
KEYWORDS: Communication, Society, Techniques, Marketers, Globally, Consumer.