ISO 9001:2015


Ankita Yadav

Agriculture is the backbone of human society and it is essential for the survival of human beings. At present there are two main forms of agriculture that are practiced around the World namely, conventional farming and organic farming. As the population is increasing the demand for food is also increasing and traditional agriculture is unable to meet the demand for healthy food. Due to this, the farmers are shifting from conventional farming to the concept of organic farming. Organic farming which is also known as ecological farming is an agricultural system that uses fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. It originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic farming can be beneficial on biodiversity and environmental protection at local level but it has lower yields compared to conventional farming. As compared to chemical and fertilizer utilised products, organic products are more nutritious for health. On the other hand conventional farming uses synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides for maximizing the yield of a crop. This form of agriculture causes increased greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, water pollution and also negative effect on human health. The main focus of this paper is to provide an overview and comparison of the organic agriculture with respect to conventional agriculture. Many studies have revealed that organic farming is a superior practice and is environment friendly soil friendly, and beneficial for human health. To promote organic agriculture among farmers we need an appropriate National agriculture policy, government financial support to farmers, processors, traders and creating awareness amongst consumers.



Keywords: Organic Farming, Organic Health, Biodiversity, Conventional Agriculture, Environment Friendly.


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