Customer Relationship Marketing: A Study Of State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur

The concept of managing relationships with customers is not new. Companies have been doing it since the beginning of trade; however, the focus was more on selling rather than customer orientation.  Competition driven by globalization has changed the whole gamut. Customers now have varied choices, are more knowledgeable and demanding too. Now they need to handle with utmost care by the companies because the question is not only to acquire them but to satisfy and retain them for long. The companies now realize that they could boost up their profits by almost 100% by retaining just 5% of their existing customers. Time has come for customer-centric enter-prizes implementing Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) strategy to stay. CRM focuses on automating customer value and satisfaction. CRM basically centers on the conglomeration of technology and human resource with an aim to gain insight into behaviour of customers and cater to their perceived value. State bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ) is a premier public sector bank in Rajasthan, having branches all over India with a prominent presence in Rajasthan. The bank states its value as ‘The bank with a vision’ and it also emphasis on the acquiring new technology for doing business as it let its customers to enjoy anywhere banking through their core powers. All its branches are fully computerized with a number of websites to help its customers. The customers have the freedom of accessing their account anytime, anywhere through their Internet banking channel. This is a detail study but only few aspects of research have been discussed in this paper.


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