Modern world is agonized by social, profitable, and environmental problems that are the result of human rapacity and a lack of love and compassion. He contends that these large- scale problems have touched off in humankind a renewed hunt for harmony and peace, a hunt that's basically a spiritual trip. Work life rung and touches into the very soul and spirit of all workers at work. Those at work are constantly seeking ways to ameliorate themselves and a sense of contribution to their work life. Due to globalization, workplaces have a diversity of workers. As with diversity, collaboration, co-management have come decreasingly important issues for management to handle. Responding to these challenges will bear an organizational metamorphosis that will contemporaneously ameliorate organizational effectiveness while addressing the need for an expanded view of hand well- being. One management arena that can profit greatly from incorporating a spiritual perspective is stress management, which aims to help workers meet new and living performance targets fleetly and effectively. When under severe stress, an individual fails to take clear cut opinions, rethink and reassess the precedence’s and cultures and eventually, tend to fall into unproductive distractions. Although it’s veritably delicate to measure the bottomless, but by recognising the spiritual side of the hand, organisations can have competitive edge over the others, because these workers, who have spiritual exposures in their life, will always exceed in every area of their concern, be it their connections, their work or their affair. Organizational change involves changing the behaviour of the people in the association, because the existent is the unit of the association. In this study, the conception of spiritual intelligence provides a important frame for addressing this need. Spiritual intelligence gates into the abecedarian requirements of both leader and follower for reducing their position of stress and attain spiritual health.


Keywords: Intelligence, Assessment, Employees, Conflict, Transformation, Organisation.


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