As account is an area of human knowledge that assures planned development and provides safeguards for rational exploitation of public resources, proper education in account can be of great help to achieve the thing of asked socio- economical advancement. In fact, account, as history says, has played a vital part in a country's success story. That fact has led to a global knowledge as to the effectiveness of Accounting education that has restructured the debate of account and no- account into the debate of how important of account should be introduced. One may fluently realise the significance of accounting education in that accountancy finds a place in different classes starting from academy position to post-graduate position in different faculties, including engineering, each over the world. Accounting education throughout the world has assumed an added significance today in view of the globalisation action because account is now astronomically viewed as the process of relating, measuring and communicating economical information to permit informed judgments and opinions by the users of the information. The functions of account are generally related to other parties' demand for information about history, present and future economical conditioning. The ultramodern economical conditioning are characterised by complicated organisational systems the operation whereof calls for a large quantum of quantitative information. The misgivings that are set up in the operations of modem enterprises bear advance planning which has come more and more sophisticated. This study makes an in- depth analysis of the present position of Accounting education in our country in retrospection and prospect and suggests ways and means for enhancement of the same.


Keywords: Information, Globalisation, Organisational, Management, Commercial, Country, Development.


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