The transformation of personal banking, from branch to present day virtual banking, changed the way of banking and now within reach of the last customer with technology adoption in a big way. The internet banking services offer services according to the customer needs and requirements. The services offered by banks are one and same, and service quality elements and their performance makes the difference between any two banks. The customer satisfaction is important criteria for banks customers, the main objective of this study to examine customer’s satisfaction of E- banking services in Surat district. This study analyzed 300-customers opinion on E - banking services in Surat District. Structured questionnaire Use for Data Collection. Data Analysis and Interpretation is through percentage. a resulted Reliability, Privacy & Security, Empathy, Information Quality, Access, Easy to Use are top factors affected customer satisfaction. The customer characteristics gender, age, education, and income levels influence the customer satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: Information Technology, E - Banking Services, Customer’s Satisfaction, Service Quality.