A person who started his own business without a family history is known as a first-generation entrepreneur. In fact, the business chosen by the individual is totally different from his or her family background. However, how this person came up with the ideas, starts a business and get the success it is very important to study who is playing the most important role behind it. Actually, the first generation entrepreneurs are completely unaware of the process of entrepreneurship development. In that case, the role of an Entrepreneurship skills development training programmes is very helpful in identifying, polishing, shaping, and developing the necessary skills is a concern for entrepreneurship development. The study revealed that these training programmes are the most effective in demonstrating the correct direction for entrepreneurship development. The push factor appears to be playing a crucial role in the current era of competition. All these studies show that the Entrepreneurship Skills Development training program is playing a role as a push factor. Trainees are given ideas on how to start their own business activities through these training programs. Moreover, expand the current business activity as a result of employment generation in society.
KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP), First Generation Entrepreneurs, Employment Generation, Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED).