Workplace incivility is considered to be a trivial matter due to the fact that it occurs in a covert form. The manifestation of this form of maltreatment is magnifying in organizations at an alarming rate with every passing day that passes by, yet its presence is not widely recognized. According to past researches, workplace incivility takes place on a daily basis or at least once a week. The aforesaid peculiar features of workplace incivility demand additional research in the field since there is a dearth of studies conducted in Indian organizations. This study is conducted to contribute to the existing body of literature on workplace incivility and especially in case of the banking sector. In this study, the relationship of the workplace incivility and its dimensions i.e. hostility, privacy, exclusionary behaviour, gossiping with the psychological well-being of the employees of the selected banks has been tested through Pearson correlation coefficient. Also, the impact of the workplace incivility and its dimensions on the psychological well-being has been tested through regression analysis. All the dimensions of the workplace incivility were also found to be significantly negatively correlated with the psychological well-being. Through regression analysis it has been found that the workplace incivility has a significant negative impact on the psychological well-being.  The dimensions hostility and gossiping were found to have significant impact on the psychological well-being but privacy and exclusionary behaviour were found to have non-significant impact on the psychological well-being.



Keywords: Workplace Incivility, Psychological well-being, Organisational Behaviour, Organisational Culture.


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