Graph theory is a well-known prosperous branch of Mathematics. Mathematics gives the same name to different things. Graph theory creates graph labeling techniques in which different labeling is given to the same graphical structures. The graph is a mathematical structure describing dots, curves, and bars. Graph labeling is the venture of integers to the vertices or edges, or each, subject to certain conditions. The concept of graph theory is used to shape various mathematical models for applications in Operation Research, control, and Engineering; especially in studies areas of laptop technological know-how-which include statistics mining, photograph segmentation, clustering, photograph capturing, and networking that is used in structural fashions. Depending on the trouble scenario, a type of graph is used to represent the hassle, and by applying an appropriate graph labeling technique the hassle may be solved. Graph labeling is a flourishing as well as application-oriented area of research in the field of graph theory. In this paper, we study the different graph labeling techniques. In mathematics, we have different relationships between numerals. We use these relationships for labeling the vertices and edges in a graph. Accordingly, there are various graph labeling techniques that we consider in this paper viz. Graceful, Cordial, Magic, Mean, Sumlet labeling, and so on. For each labeling technique, we use different relationships. Again these labeling technique contains sub labeling techniques depending on some variation in a mathematical relation which is used earlier. To date different papers are available, so I collect some of these and study them. This article helps researchers how we can label graphs using different labeling techniques, what are the different types of labeling, and various examples of each labeling technique, one graph can be labeled by using different labeling techniques. In this paper, I consider different graphs for different labeling so that the researcher who is not familiar with these can at least become familiar with them.


Keywords: Graph, Graph Labeling, Graceful, Cordial, Magic, Mean, Radio, Power Mean, Permutation, Combination, Graph, Sumlet Labeling.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 05C38, 05C76. 05C78, 05C22


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