Customer Behavior Analysis With Regard To Select Fast Moving Consumer Goods With Special Reference To Branded Shampoo Products : An Empirical Study From Mumbai City

Consumers across the globe are becoming increasingly concerned about nutrition, health and the quality of their Hair Care Products. Environment and Health consciousness is getting reflected through consumer’s enhanced interest in Shampoo. Our preferences are part of what makes us who we are and the brands we seek our reflect our preferences. The competition among the brands is fierce. In every product category, consumers have more choices, more information and higher expectations than ever before. Jockeying for position in a consumer’s preference set requires an aggressive strategy and constant vigilance. The marketer’s principal objective is typically to build a relationship with buyers, rather than merely to make a single sale. Ideally, the essence of that relationship consists of a strong bond between the buyer and the brand. The choice of an individual strategy or combination depends mainly on the nature of the branded product or service. The success of the strategy depends heavily on the marketer’s understanding of the preference building and bonding process.


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