A Study Of The Financial Performance Of Selected Public Sector Banks In India

Banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. The banking sector helps in the capital formation, innovation and money supply in the country. The Indian banking sector is the backbone of the Indian economy. The two events in the Indian banking industry are the nationalization of banks in the year 1969 and the initiation of economic reforms in the year1991.There are so many factors, which need to be taken care while differentiating good banks from bad ones. Sound financial health of a bank is the guarantee not only to its depositors but is equally significant for the shareholders, employees and whole economy of a country as well. As a result to this statement, efforts have been made from time to time, to measure the financial position of each bank and manage it efficiently and effectively. The banking structure has played a crucial role in the mobilization of savings and promotion of economic development. The CAMEL approach mainly considered for the purpose of to know the performance of the banks by the different tools. In this study, an effort has been made to evaluate the financial performance of the three major banks operating in India. This evaluation has been done by using CAMEL Parameters, the latest model of financial analysis. Through this model, it is highlighted that the position of the banks under the study is sound and satisfactory so far as their capital adequacy, asset quality, management capability and liquidity is concerned. This approach is one of the most popular methods for measuring banking performance.


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