ISO 9001:2015


Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Kumar Meena

Agriculture plays a veritably important part in the growth of the country. It contributes substantial quantum in the public income of the Indian economy and give a large number of employment occasion in the country. India has made immense progress in agriculture over the once decades. Technological changes in Indian agriculture have been witnessing a metamorphosis since the preface of the new High Yielding kinds. Due to use of these toxin responsive seeds the yield per unit area has raised sprucely in several crops, giving the country a important- demanded self- adequacy in food grains. Rise in the consumption of ultramodern inputs, irrigation and use of agriculture ministry have been also pace breaking the strangle hold of the traditional agriculture. The Green Revolution promoted the relinquishment of new technologies for boosting crop yields through monoculture systems, bettered crop kinds, chemical diseases, fungicides and irrigation that rotate formerly a deficiency country in food grain product to a spare state. The achievement of the new agriculture development plan has handed a new sanguinity to the Indian agriculture face. There are several natural problems which are associated to civilization, but it appear the maximum concern these days are the issues of cropping pattern, resource declination, prostration of ground water, declination of soil health and soil quality, fall of ecology and surroundings are other extremely severe challenge. It's in various forms and with different and complex results leading to social counteraccusations also. All these problems relate to unsustainable application of agriculturere sources and indicate that there's either absence or lack of collaboration of government development plans in the agriculture sector. This Study has simply been conducted to find out that to what extent agriculture could impact the environment.


Keywords: Agriculture, Environment, Revolution, Employment, Opportunity, Consumption, Crops.


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