The pandemic Covid-19 came as havoc for developing countries like India. It has significantly disrupted the education sector which is a critical determinant of a country’s economic future. It has compelled the human society to maintain social distancing. Students and teachers were made to sit at home and the same led to mental stress and suspicion of what’s coming next. During that period of lockdown, on line teaching learning was the best solution to meet the challenges of education. Every challenge comes with an opportunity. These challenges thrown by Covid-19 like situation have also created opportunities for the educational institutes to strengthen their technological knowledge, infrastructure etc. Indian education system was acquainted with face to face or physical teaching learning process. Most of educators and learners were not equipped with use of technology in education and there was also lack of practice and motivation towards use of technology in education which created more challenges during pandemics. Post corona virus, class rooms have been replaced by homes, seminars are morphing into webinars, and meetings are no more physical. A really digital life is emerging though the issues related to equitable access to the tools exist. The academic content delivered through a passive one-way communication does not engage a student's curious mind, although learning can lead to improved cognitive outcome. The physical presence of a teacher is indispensable in the entire teaching learning process. Blended learning i.e. combining online and in-person instruction can deliver good teaching-learning outcomes. Therefore the teachers must be trained in the technology enabled active learning pedagogy. So, in this paper researchers will discuss about blended mode of learning.


Keywords: Education during Covid-19, On-line Learning, Offline Learning, Blended Learning.


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