The ethnic clash between Meiti people and the Kuki, Naga and others is not a conventional confrontation between the tribal people living in the remote hills and forest and outsiders. The traditional stereotypical analytical tool to study various aspects of tribal population in India is no more adequate in the context of vast structural and cultural changes among the tribals in the last few decades. Owing to demographic changes, the youth play a much more dominant role then the tribal chieftains in the traditional political structures. Physical connectivity, knowledge connectivity, electronic connectivity and unprecedented cultural connectivity between the tribal communities and non-tribals through social media has fundamentally changed the nature of interaction. In Manipur, it is no more a case of conflict between the remotely located tribals and the outsiders intending to interfere in the cultural traditions. On the contrary it appears to be a clash between two groups of people on the issues of secular rights to resources.
Keywords: Manipur, Tribals, Meitis, Kukis, Nagas.