In today’s electronic generation, not even a single day goes without usage of internet and smart phones. This has made us more convenient way of approaching things at the tip of finger. One of those practice which all of us come across is “Digital payment. Today Paytm have gained a lot of significance in the past few years in India. Street vendors in India are using digital payment apps in their business operations for smooth functioning of sales. Security of payments is very crucial in every online transaction. To safeguard all payment transfers are processed securely, Paytm Payment Gateway uses the latest technical -know to keep proceedings safe for customers. Street vendors of Telangana were dominant in the country in the use of latest technology in their daily transactions. More number of street vendors in the state have become habituated to digital payments. These days Street vendors are using cashless proceedings through the App like G-pay, phone pay and Ptm in all areas of Hyderabad..Digital proceedings, leading a major role in the State of Hyderabad. customers are preferring to pay small amounts of Rs 5, Rs 10 in digital mode .It reduces the cashless transactions. The present study is basically done to study the opinion on digital payments among street vendors of Alwal area and problem faced by street vendors while practicing the digitalization using Digital payments. This study covers both the primary data and secondary data. The study was conducted to evaluate sales or income of street vendors before and after practicing the Digital Payments through survey and questionnaire method.
Keywords: Digitalization, Digital Payment, Business Operation, Survey.