Women’s empowerment through ethical and sustainable fashion is a powerful amalgamation that can drive positive change in society, the environment, and women’s lives across the globe. Sustainable fashion refers to ethically and environmentally conscious production, consumption, and disposal of clothing and accessories. When women are involved in this movement, it amplifies the impact and creates opportunities for empowerment on multiple levels. Women empowerment can be fostered through economic empowerment, wherein sustainable fashion can provide economic opportunities for women by promoting fair trade practices and supporting ethical fashion brands. The fashion and heritage craft industries also underwent significant changes. They have become more consumer-oriented rather than profit-oriented. They play their roles in women's lives by boosting their confidence and creating new business opportunities. This paper studies how ethical fashion and textile craft industries are pondering shifting old systems and practices for women related to craft and fashion. This paper includes both primary and secondary data reviews. Preliminary data was collected using a survey conducted to understand women's views on the topic and try to answer the purpose of this paper, which is how the craft and fashion industries impacted women’s empowerment. The research findings revealed that women could find decent work, earn fair wages, and have safer working conditions by engaging in sustainable fashion production. These opportunities contribute to their economic independence, allowing them to support themselves and their families.



Keywords: Ethical Fashion, Women Empowerment, Job Opportunities, Confidence, Leadership.


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